5 Benefits of Doing 30 Minutes of Daily Exercise


We understand people have busy schedules and it’s difficult to find the time to exercise. However, if you can squeeze in at least 30 minutes a day and dedicate the time to moving your body, the health benefits can be substantial. You don’t even have to do an intense workout; some easy ways to get your daily exercise in can be: taking a brisk walk or walking up and down your stairs, going for a bike ride, playing tennis or golf, swimming, dancing, or following a short home workout YouTube video.


Here are 5 benefits to doing 30 minutes of daily exercise:


  1. Relieves stress, anxiety, and depression: regular exercise can reduce levels of your body’s cortisol and adrenaline (aka the stress hormones), and it boosts production of endorphins, which are chemicals in your brain that are your “body’s natural painkillers” that can elevate your mood
  2. Strengthens your immune system: exercise can cause a change in your body’s immune response and allows your antibodies and white blood cells to perform more effectively, which help your body fight off diseases and illnesses. Research has shown that people who exercise regularly do tend to get sick less frequently than those who lead more sedentary lifestyles.
  3. Boosts bone strength: exercise causes muscles to contract against your bones, which stimulates your bones to strengthen and prevent loss of bone density, which can ultimately help decrease your risk of osteoporosis.
  4. Boosts muscle strength: with regular exercise, you might start to see physical changes and notice enhanced muscle tone/definition and weight loss. (However if weight loss is your main goal, you may want to do more high intensity workouts and incorporate some dietary changes.)
  5. Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease: exercise strengthens your heart muscle and also helps lower cholesterol, which both help your heart become more efficient at pumping blood throughout your body. This can keep your blood pressure under control and lower your risk of heart disease.