6 Ways to Step Up Your Coffee Game

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Coffee is a versatile drink that can be enjoyed at all times of the day – in the mornings to get you going, in the afternoons as a midday pick-me-up, or after dinner. Whether you’re a coffee aficionado who drinks multiple cups of coffee a day or simply enjoy one cup in the morning for a quick burst of caffeine, there are simple things you can do to brew a delicious cup of coffee at home.


Below, we listed 6 ways to help you step up your coffee game:


Fresh coffee beans

Using freshly roasted coffee beans ensures you’ll get the most flavor out of them when it comes to brewing your coffee. Coffee beans typically lose their freshness after three weeks, resulting in stale coffee that often tastes dull. When deciding on the right beans, we recommend checking the date when it was roasted and later storing them in an airtight container to ensure maximum freshness.


Use a burr grinder

Compared to a conventional blade grinder, a burr grinder grinds coffee beans to a consistent, uniform size for optimal flavor extraction. Using a burr grinder leads to a better-tasting cup of coffee while also giving you the flexibility of grinding your coffee beans into a coarse ground for pour overs or a finer ground for espresso.


Keep your products clean

Make sure to clean your utensils and any coffee maker equipment often and use descaling methods to prevent the growth of bacteria and limescale build-up. Keeping up with maintenance can make a big impact on how your coffee tastes and can prevent any rancid, astringent, or bitter tastes.


Use a milk frother or steamer

If lattes or cappuccinos are your drink of choice, these delicious drinks can be made at home using a milk frother or steamer. It adds a creamy foam on top that can greatly enhance your drinking experience and make you feel like your own barista.


Make ice cubes out of your coffee

Pouring coffee into an ice cube tray and freezing it beforehand is a simple way to upgrade your iced coffees. Coffee ice cubes will keep your coffee strong and won’t dilute its flavor the way regular ice cubes made with water would.


Experiment with different flavors and sweeteners

White or raw sugar is the most traditional sweetener used for coffee. However there are many variations of sweeteners available, so have fun experimenting with different simple syrup sweeteners of all flavors – whether you enjoy vanilla, hazelnut, pumpkin, etc. you’re bound to find your next favorite flavor.